Saturday, December 24, 2005

For all the dads out there

I have a question to pose to you dads who read this blog; what do you do if your daughter decides to marry someone for love?

If you were normal, you might be mad if the guy is a "dirt bag", in your opinion, or overjoyed if you like your son-in-law.

In Pakistan, though, you
  • murder
  • her, and possbibly any sisters she has.

    This just makes me sick.

    I thought fathers were supposed to protect their daughters from this sort of thing, not kill them because they make you look bad.

    I also thought the reason people get married are because they love eachother and want to spend the rest of their lives together, not because their parents micromanage every aspect of their lives.

    For a while I joked about trying arranged marriage because I wanted to be settled down with a family by now, but I really despise it. I am not a big fan of the idea that who you are going to be spending the rest of your life with is decided as a child by your parents.

    I guess that's just my evil Western attitude.

    Merry Christmas

    1. And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.
    2.(And this taxing was first made when Cyreneus was governor of Syria).
    3. And all went to be taxed, everyone into his own city.
    4. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazereth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethelehem.
    5. To be taxed with Mary, his espoused wife, being great with child.
    6. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered
    7. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; for there was no room for them in the inn.
    8. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
    9. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shown round about them: and they were sore afraid.
    10. And the angel said unto them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
    11. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
    12. "And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger."
    13. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying,
    14. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men".
    15. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into Heaven, the shepherds said one to another, "Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which has come to pass, which the Lord hath made know unto us."
    16. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
    17. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them, concerning this child.
    18. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
    19. But Mary kept these things and pondered them in her heart.
    20. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God, for all the that why had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

    Luke 2:1-20 (KJV)

    Merry Christmas everybody!!!

    Tuesday, December 20, 2005

    There's a reason I changed my major...

    And this is just as good as any.

  • ="">Teaching intelligent design
  • is now banned in public schools in Pennsylvania.


    It's "unconstitutional".


    It breeches the division between church and state.

    Where in the Constituion was it? I don't see it anywhere. All I see is that there isn't any official religion.

    For those of you wondering exactly what intelligent design is, it's basically the teaching that someone bigger than us made us.

    Well, duh.

    For me, I'm a Creationist. I believe what is said in Genesis is exactly what happened. I was taught it in school (I went to a Christian school K-8, and was home-schooled through high school). I wanted to become a high school teacher, but decided to change over to business management.

    Now I'm glad I did.
  • A little late decorating

    I decided to to a little late Christmas decorating, as evidenced by the nativity scene on the right side of my blog. I got it courtesy of
  • Jay
  • at Stop the ACLU.

    I don't know about the rest of you guys, but it just isn't Christmas unless you see a Nativity scene somewhere. I remember across the street from my old church, one of the members that lived across the street always put theirs out, without fail, just after Thanksgiving, and put it back right around Epiphany, which is January 6. Anyhow, I just figured I should put it up.

    Tuesday, December 13, 2005

    Uh oh...

    It looks like one of my picks, Gerald Ford, is
  • in the hospital

  • Oh, but guess what?

    Ford, 92, was admitted to Eisenhower Medical Center late Monday and was expected to be released Wednesday, spokeswoman Penny Circle said from Ford's Rancho Mirage office about 110 miles east of Los Angeles

    Let's hope that he sticks around for at least another 18 days, 19 to be on the safe side.

    I want to get at least one score this year.

    Monday, December 12, 2005

    The Intifada is moving

    It looks like the Intifadas that happened last month in France and Belgium have
  • moved Down Under

  • This is what happens when you ban private ownership of weapons, and when immigrants won't assimilate into their new society. So liberals, take note. Do you really want riots to happen? No? Then don't take away our weapons, for one thing.

    Wednesday, December 07, 2005

    Leave to him...

    Saddam is turning his war-crimes trial into
  • a three-ring circus

  • First, his lawyers drop like flies, then there's Ramsey Clark with his non-defense of "this whole thing is illegal", Saddam tells the judge to "go to hell", and now...

  • he decides not to show up

  • Here's the kicker as to why...

    He hasn't gotten any clean underwear!!!

    There are a few things that you can do about that.

    Buy some more, wash what you have, or (the gross option) go commando.

    Can't we just shoot him and get it overwith?

    Thursday, December 01, 2005

    Bloody surveys...

    I got this food questionaire from
  • Elisson
  • I saw it and just had to participate.

    I’ve shown my preferences in boldface, with commentary as appropriate.

    CHEESE or CHOCOLATE? No contest. It's more nurtitious, and I'm not that big of a chocolate person
    BLUEBERRIES or STRAWBERRIES? No contest, for me.

    COFFEE or TEA? Coffee gets the nod, but I like ’em both.

    CORN MUFFIN or ENGLISH MUFFIN? English Muffins rule!!
    PANCAKES or FRENCH TOAST? If I gotta choose.

    YOGURT or CREAM CHEESE? If I’m eating it by itself.

    RICE or PASTA?

    CAKE or PIE?

    GROUND BEEF or GROUND TURKEY? Turkey's a lot better, nad my mom got me hooked on it ever since she went on Weight Watchers

    JELLY or MARMALADE? Was never big on oranges...


    DIET SODA or NO SODA? I'd rather go without than to be subjected to that diet crap!!
    LEMONADE or ICED TEA? Why not both at the same time, Mr. Palmer?


    CHOCOLATE QUIK or STRAWBERRY QUIK? You gotta be fucking kidding.

    WAFFLES or PANCAKES? Aw, c’mon, I gotta pick just one?


    PEAS or CARROTS? I like ’em both.

    PUDDING or FRUIT-FLAVORED GELATIN? They're both good

    COLD CEREAL or HOT CEREAL? Again, I like ’em both.

    or MUSTARD? Mustard stings my lips, with the exception of hot dogs.
    MUSTARD or MAYONNAISE? See above.

    MAYONNAISE or KETCHUP? You had to make me choose...
    ONION or GARLIC? Can't stand either one.

    PLAIN BARBECUE or BARBECUE WITH SAUCE? Assuming you mean beef brisket or sausage. Ribs, I prefer without the goop.



    MEAT or VEGETABLES? No frickin’ contest. A Vegan I’m not.

    CHINESE TAKE-OUT or PIZZA? I know, Chinese would be healthier...
    SUSHI or DELI SANDWICH? Never had sushi, but the thought of eating food that should probably be cooked grosses me out.


    Another year, another dead pool

    Today is December 1.

    Do you know what that means?

    Time for another
  • Dead Pool
  • !!!

    Yes, His Royal Crappieness, Laurence Simon, is accepting rosters for the 2006 Dead Pool.

    This is going to be my first year on the Dead Pool, so it should be interesting to see how long it takes for somebody on my roster to die.

    Here's how it works:
    -You pick fifteen people. They must be human, and at least eighteen years old. The best picks would be ones who are old, in failing health, are living too close to the edge, or you just plain hate.
    -Throughout the year, you watch to see who dies.
    -You win prizes!!
    -You must blog about these people at least once a month.

    If you are blogging, and are interested, click on the link above.

    Wednesday, October 12, 2005

    One score and one years ago today...

    Another Annoying Little Twit came into the world!!!
    Twenty-one years ago today, at 6:30 A.M, I was born by Caesarian section at West Suburban Medical Center in Oak Park, Illinois. Two weeks later, I was baptized Jennifer Leah Clark at Emmaus Lutheran Church in Chicago.

    I will be celebrating with my best friend, Barb (a.k.a,
  • annoyinglittletwerp
  • at an Irish pub in downtown Chicago. I am not going to get crazy, and yes, I will eat something. I may be reletively new to drinking, but I am not stupid.

    Friday, October 07, 2005

    Well, well, well

    A lot of people questioned my decision to
  • root for the Angels
  • in the playoffs.

    All I have to say is

  • Yes, the Angels tied up series Wednesday night, beating the Bronx Buffoons 5-3.

    I just hope Randy Johnson has a bad night and they walk all over him.

    Let's break out the rally monkeys and win it all, like we did three years ago.

    GO ANGELS!!!!

    Thursday, September 29, 2005

    Happy Days Are Here!!!

    John Roberts is now
  • Chief Justice Roberts
  • . The Senate voted to confirm him 78-22. The naysayers included the regular suspects (Boxer, Durbin, Kennedy, Kerry, Obama, Schumer).

    Hopefully, this will turn things around (meaning, Roe v. Wade among other things) and get the SCOTUS to clean up their act.

    I can hardly wait for him to get to work.

    Wednesday, September 21, 2005

    It's Gotten Worse

    Rita has been
  • uprgraded to a Catergory 4
  • and is paced to make landfall on the southwestern coast of Texas (Houston, Galveston, et al) Friday night.

    My advice to everyone in the area; pack up what you need to (clothes, hygeine items, medicines, any pet needs, etc) and get the hell out of there.


  • Laurence
  • , this means you as well.

    Friday, August 26, 2005

    I Am At a Loss Right Now

    I don't know what to say about these, these... I don't know what to even call them.

  • Alan
  • has the scoop on these shits for brains, saying that our brave men and women who got wounded and are recovering at Walter Reed are getting maimed and killed for Halliburton.

    Frankly, I want to grab my M-16A2 and tell them exactly what I think about every single one of them. Not to kill them, mind you, just make them run for their lives.

    Friday, August 05, 2005

    Something personal

    I have a friend who is on his way to Kuwait as we speak. His name is Senior Airman (soon to be Staff Segeant)Brian Struc. He is in the Illinois Air National Guard, testing airplane parts to ensure their safety and that none of the pilots crash.

    His orders say that he is going to be there for sixty days, which means that he will be coming home (hopefully) in October, sometime around my birthday (my birthday is the twelfth, so that would be the best birthday present I could get, I think.).

    In the meantime, all I am asking of all of you is that you keep Brian in his prayers, if you are the type to do so. Heaven knows I am. I just want him to get there safe, get done what he needs to get done, and then get home safe.

    That is all. I will get to posting something of substance when I have the time and in the mood to do so.

    Saturday, July 23, 2005

    A little bit about me

    I got this from Tex at
  • Whacking Day
  • . If you want to copy it from here, feel free.

    Name: Jennifer Leah Clark

    Nickname: Jen

    Astrological sign: Libra

    Age: 20, but will be 21 in two months, one week, and five days, but who's counting?

    Height: 5'4"

    Level of Education: Some college

    Occupation: College student/package handler/citizen-soldier

    Birthplace: Oak Park, Illinois

    Marital status: Singlwe

    How many children: zero

    Do you drink (alcohol): Not yet

    Do you smoke: never

    Favorite outdoor activities: Swimming, plaing with my pastor's kids, playing any sport, and generally just doing anything.

    Favorite indoor activities: Movies, web-surfing, TV, blogging

    Favorite colors: Cubbie Blue

    Favorite type of music: Classic rock/oldies,Eighties, Adult Alternative, contemporary,very little country and hip hop
    Favorite musical groups/performers: Too many to name, but my top three are Bruce Springsteen, U2, and the Beatles

    Favorite soundtracks: High Fidelity

    Favorite song at the moment: "Cold Hard..."-Jet

    What's in your home CD/Casette player right now: John Mayer Heavier Things

    Do you play an instrument: Yes, guitar

    One pillow or two: Two

    Croutons or bacon bits: Bacon bits

    Favorite salad dressing: Bleu Cheese

    Have you ever had your appendix or tonsils removed: Nope

    Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: No.

    Do you make fun of people: Only if they deserve it.

    As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up: Fire fighter, athlete, journalist .

    What would be your dream job now: Detective.

    Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No.

    Places you'd most like to visit: Australia, Ireland, England, Germany, Texas

    Your first car: 1993 Saturn SL-1

    Dream car: Mini Cooper

    Toothpaste: Crest Whitening Expressions Cinnamon.

    Shampoo/Conditioner: Tresumme

    Favorite season: Summer

    Favorite holiday: Christmas

    Favorite board/card game: Trivial Pursuit, chess, monopoly, Sorry

    Favorite hobbies: Blogging, playing music, being a wannabe technogeek

    Favorite sport to play: Basketball, baseball, football (American),hockey, soccer, anything, basically

    Favorite sport to watch: Baseball, football(American)

    Least favorite sport to watch: Golf.

    Most humiliating moment: I'll pass on this one.

    Do you have any siblings: One- a younger sister Roberta, who is almost eighteen (Christmas Day) and drives me insane.

    Do you get along with your parents: Yep.

    Favorite place to chill: At home.

    Favorite place to visit: West Point, Nebraska.

    What is your bad time of day: Trying to wake up.

    What is your good time of day: lunch

    Favorite perfume or cologne: Healing Garden Green Tea eau de parfume

    Favorite scent of candle: dunno

    Favorite flower/plant: Don't. Like. Flowers.

    Favorite subject in school: A tie between English and history.

    Least favorite subject in school: Math.

    Favorite authors: Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Joe Scarborough

    Favorite book genre: Politics

    Favorite book: Welcome To the Ivory Towers of Babel by Mike S. Adams

    Current book I'm reading: None

    Favorite magazine: Used to be Rolling Stone, until they turned moonbat

    Favorite movie you have seen recently: Bad News Bears

    Favorite movie of all time: Ferris Bueller's Day Off

    Other favorite movies: Too many to list

    Favorite actors/actresses: None

    Favorite TV program: Law and Order: Special Victims Unit

    Favorite cartoon character: Tasmanian Devil and Daffy Duck

    Favorite food: Italian

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

    Favorite ice cream: Anything with mints or strawberries

    Favorite alcoholic Drink: Anything that doesn't burn your throat.

    What is your bedtime: I try to get to bed before midnight, but it's definitely ten before drill

    How many rings before you answer the phone: Depends how far away it is, doesn't it?

    The first thing you think of in the morning: Coffee.

    Favorite thing to do when you're home alone: TV, surf web, eat, drink.

    Do you get motion sickness: No.

    Thunderstorms - Cool or Scary: Very Cool

    Pen or Pencil: Pencil

    Do you like to drive: Sure.

    Do you sleep with stuffed animals:Yes. A tie-dyed, camoflague-and-Converse-wearing Build-a-Bear named Maggie, a gift from my friend Barb.

    Did you have imaginary friends or a blanket as a child: Yes. I had two imaginary friends named Bob and Jim.

    What is on the walls of your room: Paint.

    What words or phrases do you overuse: fuck

    How would you characterize your political leanings: Reagan Republican.

    If you could pick one super-human power, what would you choose: ESP

    Wednesday, July 20, 2005

    Happy Birthday Dad!

    Today is my dad's birthday. He is turning 62 today.

    Let me tell you a little bit about my dad. William Boyd Clark (or Bill, as most people know him) was born in 1943 on the West Side of Chicago, the fifth of nine children, and the last to marry, oddly enough. He was almost eleven months old on D-Day, and two years old the last time the Cubs won the pennant. His mom, Clara, was a second generation German-American (her parents, Herman and Augusta Schliebe, came over at the turn of the 20th century and settled in South Dakota). His dad, Hillery, was of Irish and English heritage.

    He got drafted into the Army in 1965, and served as a parts specialist until 1967 (yes, he spent some time in Vietnam). After he got out, he got a job at Howell Tractor, and has worked their ever since, with the exception of a brief time off in Oregon between 1989 and 1991 (I'll explain that to you another time).

    He married my mom, Patricia, on October 17, 1981. He was 38, and my mom was almost 24 (her birthday was nine days later). He had to have an operation in order for me and my little sister, Roberta, to be here. He had it, and was an overjoyed father when I was born on October 12, 1984, and my sister Christmas Day of 1987.

    He is really old-fashioned, which drives me crazy at times. He also is the one who nearly hit the roof when I told him I was going to enlist, but was also the first one to greet me with a coat when I came home for good after finishing my training. He was also the one who, when I returned home late, spent most of the night searching for me, and then going to the police station to see if I had gotten into a crash and wasn't able to call them.

    I found out an alarming statistic the other day. Less than half of all kids today live in a household where the father is present. In a lot of ways, I am lucky to have him.

    Above is a picture of me with him that was taken sometime during the summer of 1985. Nothing big, just a picture of a daddy and his little girl on a summer day.

    So, again, happy birthday Dad. I love you.

    Wednesday, July 13, 2005

    This Makes Me So Mad

    This just angers me so much. A San Francisco police officer lies in a hospital bed in serious condition with brain swelling and a blood clot because of some anarchist thugs. I got the scoop from
  • Michelle Malkin

  • I hope that his condition is improving, and that if he dies as a result of his injuries (God forbid), these imbeciles get charged with second-degree murder.

    Thursday, July 07, 2005

    I just have to post about this

    If you haven't heard already, there have been not one, not two, not three, but
  • four
  • bombings in London. The final numbers are 40 dead, and 360 are wounded.

    Boy, I tell you, I am just shaken up about this. I had just woken up when I heard about this, and am not on right after I wake up (in fact, I am a weary-looking mess right before I have my coffee), so I was more like "Huh?" right after I turned on the T.V., but after I got some caffeine into my system, I was in shock, and then angry with some jackass on Michael Medved, saying that we were asking for it, calling us "Little Britain", and saying that despite being born and brought up here, that he was not a United States citizen. It's people like this who tick me off, and the reason I went into the Army in the first place- to fight and kill people like this.

    Monday, July 04, 2005

    Late 4th of July Post


    My country 'tis of thee
    Sweet land of liberty
    Of thee I sing
    Land where my fathers died
    Land of the pilgrims' pride
    From every mountainside
    Let freedom ring!

    Hope everybody had a great Fourth of July and didn't get too drunk or lose too many body parts from the fireworks.

    Saturday, July 02, 2005

    Trying to get caught up

    Well, hello there.

    Sorry I have been so negligent in blogging, but I have had a few things to do, speeches to get ready, and working and working out to do. Yes, I am going to school in the summer, I have to if I want to get my degree some time this century.

    Anyway, to get you caught up...

    Edloe, the giant grumpus who Laurence Simon adored,
  • passed away
  • Tuesday at the age of thirteen. She is greatly missed by the Simons and those in the blogopshere who had the opprotunity to get to know her through the blog.

    Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman to ever be appointed to the United States Supreme Court,
  • retired
  • yesterday. She served for over twenty years.

    Shasta Groene, one of the children from Idaho who was abducted about six weeks ago,
  • was found alive and well
  • at a local Denny's restaurant today. They fear that her brother, Dylan, may be dead.

    Wednesday was a horrible day, as far as both work and school were concerned. My political science professor went on this long "Bush-dictator-oil-Haliburton" (as I like to think of them) the flames of which were fanned by the students, then at work I was in this stupid load that I swear wanted me dead (there were a lot of unstable walls of packages).

    Well, anyway, I have to get a few things done, so I shall try to post another time.

    Friday, June 17, 2005

    :::Summoning Rush Limbaugh::::

    Hey, I recently discovered a tool to help get traffic to your blog. It's called
  • Blog Explosion
  • I've got a banner on the right. If you want to get more traffic to your blog (and who doesn't?) click on the banner and get it started. That's all you have to do. Then you visit sites that are members to get credits and post banners to refer others, aking them members. This will help you to advertise on your blog, and then get even more traffic.

    Anyhow, get your tails over there, and sign up to get more hits on your blog.

    :::Rush Limbaugh off:::

    Thursday, June 16, 2005

    A couple things to put out

    First, Dick Durbin is officially an asshat. He recently referred to our brave men and women in the armed forces as
  • Nazis
  • .

    Excuse me? I am in the service, and I know I haven't been in Iraq and I have only been in for a year, but I don't remember herding any so-called "undesirables" (Jews, Poles, Russians, Gypsies, intellectuals, dissidents, handicapped persons, and homosexuals) to places like Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Treblinka, or Dacau. This guy is supposed to be representing my state. All he seems to be doing is making a complete ass of himself.

    This man is one of the reasons that I want to get out of the People's Republic of Ill-Annoy. As my friend Barb (a.k.a annoyinglittletwerp)put it, a bottle cap can be put on the ballot and win if it says "Democrat" by their name (or some words to that effect).

    Second, I'm looking into doing the
  • Blogathon
  • I will have the day off from work and I don't have drill that weekend, so I son't think it will be a problem. I will probably just be looking for stuff and bloga bout that and have the proceeds benefit my church, the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.

    Tuesday, June 14, 2005

    Two things

    I have two things to get out here...

    First, Wacko Jacko was cleared of all ten charges levied against him. I was hoping he would at least been convicted on at least one count of giving minors alcohol (he ADMITTED to giving them "Jesus juice" for crying out loud!!), but I guess you could now call him the "Teflon Pedophile".

    Next, today is Flag Day and the
  • 230th birthday of the United States Army
  • (can I hear a giant HOOAH out there?) Yes, Old Glory has been flying proudly over the land of the free and the home of the brave and men and women have been given the chance to be all that they could be for 230 years.

    Wednesday, June 08, 2005

    Tell me something I don't know

    I found out something that I already knew, but just had confirmed to me yesterday:

  • Gee, that picture isn't all that flattering. He looks like he was either taking a crap or drunk.

    Thursday, May 19, 2005

    What Will They Think of Next?

    There has to be something in the water in the land Down Under. I got the scoop from
  • Stanley
  • over at Barking Moonbat EWS that there are going to be some Koran-destroying toilets popping up over in Sale, Victoria, Australia. Go over there to check it out.

    Tuesday, May 17, 2005

    I'm sad and angry

    All right, now I'm really depressed. I finished my history final a couple of hours ago. Which means NO MORE FUN ON TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS!!!!! WAAAAAH!!! I really did have fun in that class. Say what you will about my crush from hell, but I really am a history nut.

    Also, I had to go to Fort McCoy over the weekend. I shot a lot of rounds, and did what we call WTT (Warrior Task Training). It was mostly just doing stuff like dealing with the media, treating a casualty suffering from shock, and maintaining an M-16. That stuff was easy.

    Now on to some news. I am really ticked about the whole bullshit about
  • Newsweek
  • The reason should be sort of obvious. They made up a stupid story about interrogators flushing a copy of the Koran down a toilet in order to break insurgents.

    For one thing, that just ain't possible without having to call the plumber and getting a huge bill, as
  • Frank Salvato
  • learned in an experiment.Secondly, they made it up without knowing who the source was. I was a one-time aspiring journalist, and I think that is the MOS that I'm going to relcass to (I'll get to that in a minute), and once thing I learned from doing reports and all that is that if you don't where you information about something, you don't inlcude it.

    Now on to me reclassifying. That means, in other words, changing your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty- in other words, your job in the Army, in this case). I have to change it because my current one, Administrative Specialist (secretary, in other words) is being phased out, and being changed to a civilian occuapation.

    Wednesday, May 11, 2005

    FUN! FUN! FUN!

    I'm just recovering from last night. Barb (aka annoyinglittletwerp)and yours truly went to go see U2 live at the United Center last night. It was a blast, just like it was when I went on October 15, 2001, on the last leg of their Elevation Tour. Well, I must say they've done it again with the Vertigo Tour. Even though so much about me has changed between then and now (I'm going to college, I've gone through two lackluster jobs, and I've joined the Army), they still made me feel like I did four years ago, like a giddy seventeen-year-old kid. It's a wonderful feeling, despite being exhausted (I didn't get back home until 1 A.M., and I had class at 8 A.M. the next morning) and my ears and my knee still hurting (from the loud music and standing so long). I'll put up the setlist when I am able to jog my memory a bit more.

    Well, in other news, finals is upon us, and I just know I'm going to be depressed after the history final (I had fun, believe it or not, in that class). With the other two, I'm just going to be grateful it's all overwith.

    UPDATE: I got the setlist courtesy of
  • Interference

  • City of Blinding Lights
    Cry/ Electric Co.
    An Cat Dubh / Into the Heart
    Beautiful Day
    New Years Day
    Miracle Drug
    Sometimes You Can¹t Make it On Your Own
    Love and Peace
    Sunday Bloody Sunday
    Bullet The Blue Sky
    Running to Standstill
    Pride in the Name of love
    Where the Streets have No Name

    Zoo Station
    The Fly
    Mysterious Ways

    All Because of You
    Original of the Species

    Thursday, April 28, 2005

    Show your true colors

    My good friend
  • Laurence Simon
  • made is opinion known on Operation Iron Fist, and now I am making mine known.

    Unles some of you don't know, I'm in the Army Reserve. There's a certain pride that comes with being in the service. Pride in your unit, pride in your battle buddies, pride in your branch of service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard), and pride in your country. These subhuman pieces of dirt show nothing but shame an cowardice when they have these masks on. Soldiers are supposed to show pride in the above and courage in the face of danger. These guys don't.

    Monday, April 25, 2005

    A Song for You

    How's everybody's day been going? Hope everyone had a good weekend.

    Here's one of my favorite songs of the new U2 album, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    "Miracle Drug"

    I want to trip inside your head
    Spend the day there
    To hear the things you haven’t said
    And see what you might see

    I want to hear you when you call
    Do you feel anything at all
    I want to see your thoughts take shape
    And walk right out

    Freedom has a scent
    Like the top of a new born baby’s head

    The songs are in your eyes
    I see them when you smile
    I’ve seen enough, I’m not giving up
    On a miracle drug

    Of science and the human heart
    There is no limit
    There is no failure here sweetheart
    Just when you quit

    I am you and you are mine
    Love makes nonsense of space
    And time will disappear
    Love and logic keep us clear
    Reason is on our side, love

    The songs are in your eyes
    I see them when you smile
    I’ve had enough of romantic love
    I’d give it up, yeah, I’d give it up
    For a miracle drug, a miracle drug
    A miracle drug

    Oh God, I need your help tonight

    Beneath the noise
    Below the din
    I hear a voice
    It’s whispering
    In science and in medicine
    I was a stranger
    You took me in

    The songs are in your eyes
    I see them when you smile
    I’ve had enough of romantic love
    I’d give it up, yeah, I’d give it up
    For a miracle drug, for a miracle drug

    Miracle, miracle drug

    Friday, April 22, 2005

    Here's what's up...

    All right it's been about five years since I posted (not quite, but close), so I am going to update you on what's been going on...

    I got a C on that blasted paper on The Shawnee Prophet and got an A n a more recent history test.

    I am looking for a new job since my boss seems to think that I'm a 90-pound weakling that is only good for toting smalls and working the rerun belt.

    I finally decided on the subject taht I'm going to teach- HISTORY!!!

    Terry Shiavo passed away after being starved to death. Her body was cremated and her ashes were buried in Philly.

    Pope John Paul II died. His successor is Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who's papal name is Pope Benedict XVI.

    The Cubs are 8-8, and Nomar Garciaparra is out with a pulled groin muscle. I'll update you on when he'll be back.

    Friday, April 01, 2005

    The Master Has Sold Out

    It looks as though Frank J. is going on hiatus from blogging. He sold the URL to a Korean company, and I guess they gave him a very good deal for it.

  • Sarah K
  • has the details.

    In other news, Terri Shiavo has passed away, after 13 days of being without food and water. She was 41. Her body is going to be cremated and buried in Philadelphia. However, her "husband" did grant an autopsy to be done. Maybe we will now see how badly he abused her.

    Update: APRIL FOOLS!!!! He didn't sell out after all.

    Monday, March 28, 2005

    It happened

    I knew it was going to happen!!!!
  • Frank J
  • proposed to Sarah K and she said yes!!!! A date hasn't been set yet, as it just happened two days ago. God bless and good luck to the happy couple.

    I hope everyone had a happy Easter. It was kind of weird this year as We didn't get up long before dawn to go to church for sunrise service and have Easter breakfast like we did at Gloria Dei. Oh, did I mention that while I was gone, Gloria Dei imploded? Yeah, while i was in basic training, there was a falling out among a lot of the members involving my friend Victoria's wedding due to the fact that it was perfomed at a different church by a different pastor (big no-no) and that Victoria told our pastor that she would go wherever her husband did (another big no-no). I didn't find out all the details, however, until my aprents came down to South Carolina for my graduation. As a result of all this, my parents were among the many who made the exodus from Gloria Dei to the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (a small congregation that my parents and I belonged to at one time and that my pastor, who resigned from Gloria Dei, is a vaccancy pastor at). We had church at ten and that was it pretty much. Really weird.

    Wednesday, March 16, 2005

    Sorry I'm so behind....

    Hey, I've been busy for the last month or so. I have school, work, drill (moments of sheer boredom accentuated by more moments of sheer boredom), and other concerns. I have a paper on The Shawnee Prophet to work on for my history class, been suffering from a crush from hell on same professor, and a project for psychology among other things.
    On March 19, the Chicago chapter of Protest Warrior will be hitting the streets of Chicago to show moonbats how wrong they are. We will also be welcoming radio talk show host Michael Medved (known to me and the Twerp as simply "The Medved" *bows*). He will be making an appearence at a local college to sign copies of his book , Right Turns, among other things. So yeah, I'm gonna be busy for a while.

    Wednesday, March 02, 2005

    You guys have to check this out

    I got this in an e-mail from Right March. It's a video from a band called The Right Brothers. It is absolutely wonderful.

  • I Want to Live

  • I'm thinking of buying this CD, if only I had the money, but things are a little tight right now as I have just gotten a new car.

    Friday, February 11, 2005

    I'm back for good this time

    Well, guess what? I'm back-for good now. I graduated from Advanced Individual Training (AIT) on January 21st and arrived back in Chicago that day. I attended my first drill Feb 05 and 06th at Parkhurst Reserve Center in Darien,Illinois. All we did was give classes and got shown around the place. The most exciting thing that happened to me that weekend was that I fell asleep at the wheel on my way home from drill Saturday night (I'm okay, I swear to God). I start classes on February 14th, and I went back to work at UPS.

    Now on to some news. This Ward Churchill guy is starting to piss me off. First he says that the people who died in the WTC, Pentagon,and Shanksville,Pennsylvania are not "innocent" and that we need more 9-11's, then he continually lies about being an Indian (YOU'RE NOT AN INDIAN, GET OVER IT!!!), thenhe says that he wants America off the planet!!!

    You know what? THis guy is just asking for me to demonstrate some unarmed combatives on him. Not only for that, but also for desecrating the name of one of the best statesman the world has ever known- the late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.