Friday, December 29, 2006

The butcher is hung

  • did his dance
  • just after 6AM Baghdad time (10PM EST).

    Right now, all I can say is that the bastard deserved it, and I hope he suffered, after what he put thousands of innocents and their families through.

    I pray that the Iraqi people gain some closure from this, and that things will improve from here.

    Sunday, December 10, 2006

    In Case You're Wondering...

    Yes, I'm still alive.

    I have been quite busy these days. I am no longer repoing, but I am back at UPS, which is great. I am also working a second job at Sports Authority in Matteson, where I'm a cashier. It's great there. It's hard on the feet, but it's fun.

    Life is, well, interesting with my boyfriend. I haven't seen him in ages due to him working like a nut, and he's going through all this nonsense with the divorce. I hope that things get straightened out soon.

    Where do I begin?

    The midterm elections were a farce, and now the Dhimmis have control. I hope that given the right Republican, Hillary will stay out of the White House forever.

    Saddam Hussein won't live to see the New Year. Last month, he was found guilty of all charges and was sentenced to death by hanging. He is slated to be done away with by the end of the month. All I have to say about that is that I would love to be the person to hang the bastard.

    Well, I'm off to bed, I'll see you later.

    Monday, October 23, 2006

    This is Great

    I found this while on LGF

  • A Christian Witness

  • I find it fitting now more than ever, as Israel is the beacon of hope for democracy in the Middle East.

    Monday, October 02, 2006

    Don't Mess with us Bloggers!!

    That was the lesson learned from the

  • Murry Gunty saga

  • The reason you don't mess with bloggers is pretty simple: we will never let it go away quietly.

    That is the tenacity of bloggers.

    Wednesday, September 13, 2006


    It's been a while since I last posted to this blog.

    I've been busy, but I've also been lazy with this. The main reason is I just haven't felt like psoting anything to this site. I guess you could say that I've been going through a bit of a personal crisis. I had issues with medical bills being paid by the Army so I could go back to the doctor and get cleared to go back to work (despite me calling them and telling them on Monday, however, they won't even schedule and appointemnt with me until the check is cleared).

    I have, however, been filling the void with doing annual training at my reserve unit, and working with a friend (he's a repo man, or as they are referred to today as, recovery agents). Yes, I am the last person you want to see in the middle of the night. I am the one that will tell you to clean out your car and hand me the keys because you haven't been making your payment, or because you took out a title loan and you didn't keep up with the payments, or you didn't pay for your car insurance and you have it on a loan. So, my readers, I am asking, no make that begging you to keep up with your payments of whatever it is that you need to, because if you live in the South Suburbs of Chicago, you will be seeing me at your front door if you don't.

    I am now also going to school. I am now majoring in Information Technology, and my concentration is going to be in programming. I am taking classes on accounting, operating systems, and Visual Basic programming. Visual Basic is more of a challenge than I thought it was going to be, since I never took any programming classes before, but I think I'm going to survive. The operating systems class is an absolute breeze, though. I just do some stuff on the computer with a data disk I was given, and I just give answers based on what it does. The accounting class induces hair-pulling with me, as it is heavy in math (or rather, basically is math), and math and I were never friends. I'm just a shy dork that likes to fool around on computers and wants to get paid to do that.

    Well, my attitude about the deal with the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbullshit is that it's, well, crap. If you ask me, Ehud Olmert should have just told the UN to fuck off and told the IDF to go nuts. Actually, he should have also sent some nuclear warheads over to Iran while he was at it. It would have killed tow birds with one stone. But you know what, all the ceasefire is going to do is give the both of them time to reload, and when Hezbollah does something stupid again, it's going to be even worse for them. About the kids held hostage over there, it's safe to say that they're both dead, or that their captors are dead, but more likely it's the former. What they really need is Netanyahu back in power. Maybe he will show the terrorists a thing or two.

    Steve Irwin, the goofy Aussie known around the world as the "Crocodile Hunter", died last week while swimming too close to a sting ray and got stung in the heart. He was 44 years old. He is survived by his wife Terri, daughter Bindi Sue, and son Bob.

    That's all I ahve to say right now. I promise I will update sooner than I have been.

    Tuesday, July 25, 2006

    "Why Do They Even Bother" of The Day Award

    Some things just make you wonder "Why are they even bothering?"

  • This
  • is what's making me wonder why they're even bothering.

    The man is a terrorist who doesn't want to eat, and they're force-feeding him with a tube. If I were in charge of things over there, I would just let him starve to death, or I would force-feed him bacon and sausage for breakfast, ham sandwhiches for lunch, and pork roast with chitlins for dinner. Yes, I know, I'm pure evil. Tell me something I don't already know.

    Wednesday, May 24, 2006

    Has the Public School System Gone Too Far?

    A high school district in the People's Republic of Ill-Annoy
  • gave detention to students
  • .

    For posting stuff on blogs

    At home.

    Granted, the stuff was illicit in matter, but where are the parents? If they were around, they probably wouldn't be doing that stuff. This is also why it is recommended that parents put the PC in common area, such as a den, living room, or family room. That is what my parents did when we first got a computer that could access the internet, as my sister and I were twelve and fifteen, repectively, at the time. They also set up rules about where to go and not go, and what to say and not say when talking to people online.

    Granted, I have a computer in my bedroom, but I didn't get it until I was nineteen ( I will be twenty-two in October), and I bought it with my own money. Add to that, I was a legal adult at the time, and I have better sense than to do what they do. If anyone propositions me, or proposes to me online (that has actually happened to me once), I block their E-mails and instant messenger screen names.

    The Saga Continues...

    The insanity that is the trial of Saddam Hussein and his co-defendants is finally getting under control due thanks to Maouf Abdel-Rahman.
  • Tariq Aziz
  • (aka "Baghdad Bob")took the stand yesterday in his PJ's to show how sick he is. He wants to go overseas to be treated for a heart ailment. However, prison officials say that he is getting adequate treatment.

    Also, the same old stuff happened during the trial. They accused the court of being illegitimate, making the trial illegitimate, and that they shouldn't be there. The judge finally had enough of this and told them to knock it off, or, he'll have them thrown out. It got a guard to approach the defendant's pen for them to shut up.

    I just hope the circus ends soon, and that Saddam and his crew will be found guilty of all the crimes he's accused of, and speedily executed.

    Rope, tree dictator. Some assembly required.

    Tuesday, May 23, 2006

    Yes, I'm still alive

    Just to let you all know,I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.

    I am thinking about starting a podcast. I have downloaded Audacity, and I have a membership at podcasting site. I just need to get around to actually doing the damn thing.

  • Barb
  • is going to end blogging activities at Typepad and will move on to another free site. She is also going to be moving to St. Louis within the next month or two. In case you're wondering why, Mike quit his job as a railroader (he wanted to quit that job for the last eight years, and he finally reached his breaking point). So, fare thee well, Barb, and good luck in St. Louis.

    I also broke up with Tim, and am dating a wonderful man. I have a hell of a lot more in common that I did with Tim, and I would like to see where it goes. Hopefully, this one will be the one that I can settle down and start a family with.

    The semster is finally over at Prairie State!!! I am not going to be taking classes over the summer. Instead, I am going to see if I can't find a job, and focus on doing stuff with my reserve unit. I would also like to spend time with my boyfriend.

    Right now, I am pissed off about the situation with the illegals. They are doing demonstrations left and right, demanding "rights" that they don't have. The only right that they have is to leave and not come back. Hopefully, Congress and President Bush will get their acts together and figure something out that doesn't involve amnesty. However, they did establish English as the national language, so that's one good thing they've got going. They also plan on using National Guard soldiers from the border states to help the Border Patrol. All I have to say is that they better be allowed to carry loaded weapons, in case the illegals decide to do pull some funny business.

    The Cubs are also sucking ass right now. Derek Lee got hurt, and they just went downhill from there. They managed to salvage one game from the series against the White Sox, but they got a real whooping last night against the Marlins, 9-1
    I'm supposed to be working right now, so I will get back to all of you later.

    Wednesday, April 19, 2006

    New link

    In case you haven't noticed, there's a new link in my blogroll. It's from the Free Iran blog.

    The reason I put it there is very clear. The situation with Iran is escalating, and we need to help the Iranian people depose this lunatic that they have in power.

    I hope we are able to nuke the crap out of wherever the hell this stuff is getting enriched, and be done with it.

    Monday, April 10, 2006

    I am so sick and tired

    ... of this
  • bullshit
  • !!!
    I just don't get why there aren't any INS or Border Patrol agents at these things, arresting every single one them. If you ask me, the only right they have is to leave and not come back until they have their i's dotted and their t's crossed.

    Now, before you start accusing me of being a xenophobe, I'm not. I'm fourth-generation Irish and German American, and damn proud of it. Immigrants are welcome to come here. All that we ask is that you get your paperwork in order before you come.

    I have a friend who is trying to come to the States-legally. He applied for the Green Card Lottery, and he's not going to find out until next year whether or not he will be able to come. I can only imagine what he's going through, waiting to hear whether or not he can come here and enlist in the Army, which is the reason he's doing what he is doing.

    Now, if only we had more prospective immigrants like that...

    Sunday, March 19, 2006

    Sounds like Frank

    I got his from my grandpa today.
  • There's a parody
  • of the classic "Strangers in the Night" on that web page.

    Personally, I believe the Chairman would feel that way about the terrorists and would try to start something with them. If only he were around today...

    Friday, March 10, 2006

    If This Doesn't Wake People Up...

    I don't know what will.

  • Mona Charen
  • at Townhall hit it right on the head with this column.

    A fellow by the name of Matt Dubay, who is a 25-year-old computer programmer from Saginaw, Michigan, was rently ordered to pay $500 in child support for a duaghter he fatehr with is ex-girlfriend, who claimed that while they were together that she couldn't get pregnant.

    Now, before you say "Pay up, you bum", chew on this; for years, feminists have ranted on and on about "reproductive rights", and that it's their body, etc, whereas men have been told that if you get a girl pregant, you should support the child.

    Personally, I hope that he wins this suit.

    As for myself, Tim knows what the consequences will be. We will get married, he will become a member of the church, and we will raise the baby together, if such a situation arose.

    Sunday, February 26, 2006


    I found out this morning that a regular poster on my
  • Blogfather's
  • site (as I am as well) passed away this week of a heart attack. Robert Kerr, better known as "StinKerr", or simply "Stin", was on his way from Ohio to Buffalo, New York when he was found dead in his car at a rest stop along I-71.

    I didn't know a lot about him, but what I do is that he will sorely missed on that site.

    Tuesday, February 14, 2006

    Is that all they got?

    The new strategy for the Dhimmicrats in 2008 is not to vote Republcian because they're fat.

  • Hat Tip Misha

  • Gee, with a strategy like that, there's no way they're going to lose this election.
    *sarcasm off*

    Monday, February 13, 2006

    Where the hell do I begin?

    Dang, it's been over a month since I last blogged.

    Well, Justice Sam Alito got confirmed without much of a fight.

  • Dick Cheney
  • also accidentally shot someone while hunting last weekend.

  • Muslims
  • have their abiyahs in a knot over some cartoons published by a Danish newspaper that 1) Depicted Mohammed, and 2) Showed him with a bomb for a turban. All right, I'd be pissed if someone made a bad cartoon about Jesus, but I woudln't start a riot over it.

    On the personal side of things, I'm off from work until I get cleared from a orthodpedist about my knee (long story), I'm back in school, am debating about changing churches (I'm Lutheran, and I might become a Nazarene), and I have a boyfriend.

    I'll keep updating more often, but until next time, behave.

    Saturday, January 14, 2006

    Planet of the Liberals?

    Townhall Opinion Alert columnist
  • Burt Prelustky
  • put it best today in his column.

    Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a liberal, and to have self- righteous blowhards like Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd and Charles Schumer, speaking for me. And then I wake up screaming.

    That sums up what I think as well. Read the rest, it's well worth it.

    Sunday, January 01, 2006


    I just found out from
  • Lair
  • that I need to post on the picks INDIVIDUALLY in order for it to count. I also need to do it on the Dead Pool site.

    Duly noted, and the round-up post has been deleted, as it was a waste of time.