Tuesday, December 20, 2005

There's a reason I changed my major...

And this is just as good as any.

  • ="http://news.yahoo.com/fc/US/Church___State_Issues/">Teaching intelligent design
  • is now banned in public schools in Pennsylvania.


    It's "unconstitutional".


    It breeches the division between church and state.

    Where in the Constituion was it? I don't see it anywhere. All I see is that there isn't any official religion.

    For those of you wondering exactly what intelligent design is, it's basically the teaching that someone bigger than us made us.

    Well, duh.

    For me, I'm a Creationist. I believe what is said in Genesis is exactly what happened. I was taught it in school (I went to a Christian school K-8, and was home-schooled through high school). I wanted to become a high school teacher, but decided to change over to business management.

    Now I'm glad I did.

    The Alter Ego said...

    A very well educated judge just explained how it is unconstitutional. Hopefully that will help you understand why.

    God has no room in the US constitution. Actually, GOD isn't mentioned at ALL! Secondly, if you read your US history, you'll find that the seperation of church and state was a big subject during the writing of the constitution. There are very good reasons behind this separation. Something I think you may find interesting if you took the time to read about it.

    Does that falsify your faith? Not at all. It just means that religion cannot be discused as science; and (unfortunately) religion cannot be taught in our schools. Well, when I say religion, I mean it in it's broadest sense - not just christianity.

    Anonymous said...

    As you well know, I'm an evolutionist in the sense that that the world DIDN'T happen in a week. Adam and Eve never existed either.
    Those early chapters of the Bible were written by man to explain what couldn't be explained.
    THAT SAID I still believe that God created everything.
    The world is too complex for it just to have happened by 'chance'.
    As for ID-I support ID if it's taught that higher power than ourselves used evolution to create the world.
    If it's taught as 'creationism" then I'm with the courts on this.
    Being that I was Jewish until I was almost 26 I've been on the otherside-and I greatly resented people trying to shove creationist Christianity down my
    My belief in the Risen Savior is what makes me a Christian-no wheather I'm into "Adam and Eve" or not.
    You already knew that though.

    Oh and Bitman-the Establishment Clause protected religion from the intrusion of govt-not the reverse. Washington, Adams, et al were religious Christians and Jefferson was a deist-not exactly what I'd call hostility to religion.

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