Saturday, July 23, 2005

A little bit about me

I got this from Tex at
  • Whacking Day
  • . If you want to copy it from here, feel free.

    Name: Jennifer Leah Clark

    Nickname: Jen

    Astrological sign: Libra

    Age: 20, but will be 21 in two months, one week, and five days, but who's counting?

    Height: 5'4"

    Level of Education: Some college

    Occupation: College student/package handler/citizen-soldier

    Birthplace: Oak Park, Illinois

    Marital status: Singlwe

    How many children: zero

    Do you drink (alcohol): Not yet

    Do you smoke: never

    Favorite outdoor activities: Swimming, plaing with my pastor's kids, playing any sport, and generally just doing anything.

    Favorite indoor activities: Movies, web-surfing, TV, blogging

    Favorite colors: Cubbie Blue

    Favorite type of music: Classic rock/oldies,Eighties, Adult Alternative, contemporary,very little country and hip hop
    Favorite musical groups/performers: Too many to name, but my top three are Bruce Springsteen, U2, and the Beatles

    Favorite soundtracks: High Fidelity

    Favorite song at the moment: "Cold Hard..."-Jet

    What's in your home CD/Casette player right now: John Mayer Heavier Things

    Do you play an instrument: Yes, guitar

    One pillow or two: Two

    Croutons or bacon bits: Bacon bits

    Favorite salad dressing: Bleu Cheese

    Have you ever had your appendix or tonsils removed: Nope

    Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: No.

    Do you make fun of people: Only if they deserve it.

    As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up: Fire fighter, athlete, journalist .

    What would be your dream job now: Detective.

    Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No.

    Places you'd most like to visit: Australia, Ireland, England, Germany, Texas

    Your first car: 1993 Saturn SL-1

    Dream car: Mini Cooper

    Toothpaste: Crest Whitening Expressions Cinnamon.

    Shampoo/Conditioner: Tresumme

    Favorite season: Summer

    Favorite holiday: Christmas

    Favorite board/card game: Trivial Pursuit, chess, monopoly, Sorry

    Favorite hobbies: Blogging, playing music, being a wannabe technogeek

    Favorite sport to play: Basketball, baseball, football (American),hockey, soccer, anything, basically

    Favorite sport to watch: Baseball, football(American)

    Least favorite sport to watch: Golf.

    Most humiliating moment: I'll pass on this one.

    Do you have any siblings: One- a younger sister Roberta, who is almost eighteen (Christmas Day) and drives me insane.

    Do you get along with your parents: Yep.

    Favorite place to chill: At home.

    Favorite place to visit: West Point, Nebraska.

    What is your bad time of day: Trying to wake up.

    What is your good time of day: lunch

    Favorite perfume or cologne: Healing Garden Green Tea eau de parfume

    Favorite scent of candle: dunno

    Favorite flower/plant: Don't. Like. Flowers.

    Favorite subject in school: A tie between English and history.

    Least favorite subject in school: Math.

    Favorite authors: Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Joe Scarborough

    Favorite book genre: Politics

    Favorite book: Welcome To the Ivory Towers of Babel by Mike S. Adams

    Current book I'm reading: None

    Favorite magazine: Used to be Rolling Stone, until they turned moonbat

    Favorite movie you have seen recently: Bad News Bears

    Favorite movie of all time: Ferris Bueller's Day Off

    Other favorite movies: Too many to list

    Favorite actors/actresses: None

    Favorite TV program: Law and Order: Special Victims Unit

    Favorite cartoon character: Tasmanian Devil and Daffy Duck

    Favorite food: Italian

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

    Favorite ice cream: Anything with mints or strawberries

    Favorite alcoholic Drink: Anything that doesn't burn your throat.

    What is your bedtime: I try to get to bed before midnight, but it's definitely ten before drill

    How many rings before you answer the phone: Depends how far away it is, doesn't it?

    The first thing you think of in the morning: Coffee.

    Favorite thing to do when you're home alone: TV, surf web, eat, drink.

    Do you get motion sickness: No.

    Thunderstorms - Cool or Scary: Very Cool

    Pen or Pencil: Pencil

    Do you like to drive: Sure.

    Do you sleep with stuffed animals:Yes. A tie-dyed, camoflague-and-Converse-wearing Build-a-Bear named Maggie, a gift from my friend Barb.

    Did you have imaginary friends or a blanket as a child: Yes. I had two imaginary friends named Bob and Jim.

    What is on the walls of your room: Paint.

    What words or phrases do you overuse: fuck

    How would you characterize your political leanings: Reagan Republican.

    If you could pick one super-human power, what would you choose: ESP

    Wednesday, July 20, 2005

    Happy Birthday Dad!

    Today is my dad's birthday. He is turning 62 today.

    Let me tell you a little bit about my dad. William Boyd Clark (or Bill, as most people know him) was born in 1943 on the West Side of Chicago, the fifth of nine children, and the last to marry, oddly enough. He was almost eleven months old on D-Day, and two years old the last time the Cubs won the pennant. His mom, Clara, was a second generation German-American (her parents, Herman and Augusta Schliebe, came over at the turn of the 20th century and settled in South Dakota). His dad, Hillery, was of Irish and English heritage.

    He got drafted into the Army in 1965, and served as a parts specialist until 1967 (yes, he spent some time in Vietnam). After he got out, he got a job at Howell Tractor, and has worked their ever since, with the exception of a brief time off in Oregon between 1989 and 1991 (I'll explain that to you another time).

    He married my mom, Patricia, on October 17, 1981. He was 38, and my mom was almost 24 (her birthday was nine days later). He had to have an operation in order for me and my little sister, Roberta, to be here. He had it, and was an overjoyed father when I was born on October 12, 1984, and my sister Christmas Day of 1987.

    He is really old-fashioned, which drives me crazy at times. He also is the one who nearly hit the roof when I told him I was going to enlist, but was also the first one to greet me with a coat when I came home for good after finishing my training. He was also the one who, when I returned home late, spent most of the night searching for me, and then going to the police station to see if I had gotten into a crash and wasn't able to call them.

    I found out an alarming statistic the other day. Less than half of all kids today live in a household where the father is present. In a lot of ways, I am lucky to have him.

    Above is a picture of me with him that was taken sometime during the summer of 1985. Nothing big, just a picture of a daddy and his little girl on a summer day.

    So, again, happy birthday Dad. I love you.

    Wednesday, July 13, 2005

    This Makes Me So Mad

    This just angers me so much. A San Francisco police officer lies in a hospital bed in serious condition with brain swelling and a blood clot because of some anarchist thugs. I got the scoop from
  • Michelle Malkin

  • I hope that his condition is improving, and that if he dies as a result of his injuries (God forbid), these imbeciles get charged with second-degree murder.

    Thursday, July 07, 2005

    I just have to post about this

    If you haven't heard already, there have been not one, not two, not three, but
  • four
  • bombings in London. The final numbers are 40 dead, and 360 are wounded.

    Boy, I tell you, I am just shaken up about this. I had just woken up when I heard about this, and am not on right after I wake up (in fact, I am a weary-looking mess right before I have my coffee), so I was more like "Huh?" right after I turned on the T.V., but after I got some caffeine into my system, I was in shock, and then angry with some jackass on Michael Medved, saying that we were asking for it, calling us "Little Britain", and saying that despite being born and brought up here, that he was not a United States citizen. It's people like this who tick me off, and the reason I went into the Army in the first place- to fight and kill people like this.

    Monday, July 04, 2005

    Late 4th of July Post


    My country 'tis of thee
    Sweet land of liberty
    Of thee I sing
    Land where my fathers died
    Land of the pilgrims' pride
    From every mountainside
    Let freedom ring!

    Hope everybody had a great Fourth of July and didn't get too drunk or lose too many body parts from the fireworks.

    Saturday, July 02, 2005

    Trying to get caught up

    Well, hello there.

    Sorry I have been so negligent in blogging, but I have had a few things to do, speeches to get ready, and working and working out to do. Yes, I am going to school in the summer, I have to if I want to get my degree some time this century.

    Anyway, to get you caught up...

    Edloe, the giant grumpus who Laurence Simon adored,
  • passed away
  • Tuesday at the age of thirteen. She is greatly missed by the Simons and those in the blogopshere who had the opprotunity to get to know her through the blog.

    Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman to ever be appointed to the United States Supreme Court,
  • retired
  • yesterday. She served for over twenty years.

    Shasta Groene, one of the children from Idaho who was abducted about six weeks ago,
  • was found alive and well
  • at a local Denny's restaurant today. They fear that her brother, Dylan, may be dead.

    Wednesday was a horrible day, as far as both work and school were concerned. My political science professor went on this long "Bush-dictator-oil-Haliburton" (as I like to think of them) the flames of which were fanned by the students, then at work I was in this stupid load that I swear wanted me dead (there were a lot of unstable walls of packages).

    Well, anyway, I have to get a few things done, so I shall try to post another time.