Monday, August 23, 2004

Okay, not quite...

I just found something on Barking Moonbat that John O'Neill, author of the book Unfit for Command, has told John Kerry and his people to put up or shut up.

If you ask me, it's high time that the Bush campaign stands up for these guys. I'm not saying they're doing his "dirty work"; they're not. I'm merely saying that these fine men could be instrumental in getting him elected, as well as the former POWs who are now speaking out against him, as well as the Catholics against Kerry.

Another bit of good news about this is that it is number one on the New York Times best-seller's list (it debuted at number three last week, surrounding Klintoon's book with the help of General Tommy Franks(ret.))

Just a Post Before I Go...

Apologies to Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young for the above title. Anyway, I'm going to be leaving in about an hour for the recruiter's station, from which they will take to a hotel near O'Hare International Airport. I will be reporting to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) very early the next morning, where they will be doing a quick once-over just to make sure I'm still okay, and then I will be off to Fort Jackson, South Carolina, where I will be in Basic Combat Training for the next nine weeks. After graduation (if I make it that far), I will be going through AIT (Advanced Individual Training), after which I will finally be a soldier in the United States Army Reserve.

I am not going to be able to post here for a long while, so until I come back, behave, and, in the words of Gen. Douglas McArthur, "I shall return".

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Time to set the record straight

I got a link from my friend Barb to
  • Sworn Enemy
  • . On there is a link to an aviation web site that sets the record straight about Junior's (Dubya's getting way too redundant for me) time in the Texas and Alabama Air National Guard.

    All I have to say about this is if you think anything other than "he didn't take the easy way oyut after all", then you are a bigger goober (thanks Frank J.) than the Poodle.

    Tuesday, August 10, 2004

    I've been recognized by the Master!!!

    I submitted something to be posted under Our Military on
  • IMAO
  • , and he put it up!!!

    Also, in case you haven't noticed, I've gone from Insignificant Microbe to Crawly Amphibian in the Ecosystem since signing up with Truth Laid Bear!!! I'm moving up in the blogging world!!!

    Another thing I wanted to tell you about is that my friend Barb got me an early birthday present (I'm going to be in BCT over my birthday), and i absolutely love it!!! It's a teddy bear from the Build A Bear Workshop. Her name is Maggie (after former British PM Margaret Thatcher), she has tie-dye fur, wears Army fatigues and Converse sneakers, and holds an American flag. I'll put up a picture of the beautiful Maggie when the film is developed (if it is the case before I leave).

    Sunday, August 01, 2004

    Yippee!!! The original Annoying Twerp Has a Blog!

    My best friend Barb (a.k.a Mako on Protest Warrior, a.k.a Annoying Little Twerp on Barking Moonbat Early Warning System) has a
  • blog
  • of her own now. Go there, and enjoy.

    In other news, I went to my first Cubs game today (I've been to three White Sox games, a Cook County Cheetahs game (indy-league) and a Joliet Jackhammers game), and they WON, 6-3. Greg Maddux was going for his 300th, but he didn't get it :-( But I enjoyed it despite that and the CTA's Orange Line got fucked up (I'll explain later) and we didn't get to the game till the third inning :-*(