Wednesday, September 13, 2006


It's been a while since I last posted to this blog.

I've been busy, but I've also been lazy with this. The main reason is I just haven't felt like psoting anything to this site. I guess you could say that I've been going through a bit of a personal crisis. I had issues with medical bills being paid by the Army so I could go back to the doctor and get cleared to go back to work (despite me calling them and telling them on Monday, however, they won't even schedule and appointemnt with me until the check is cleared).

I have, however, been filling the void with doing annual training at my reserve unit, and working with a friend (he's a repo man, or as they are referred to today as, recovery agents). Yes, I am the last person you want to see in the middle of the night. I am the one that will tell you to clean out your car and hand me the keys because you haven't been making your payment, or because you took out a title loan and you didn't keep up with the payments, or you didn't pay for your car insurance and you have it on a loan. So, my readers, I am asking, no make that begging you to keep up with your payments of whatever it is that you need to, because if you live in the South Suburbs of Chicago, you will be seeing me at your front door if you don't.

I am now also going to school. I am now majoring in Information Technology, and my concentration is going to be in programming. I am taking classes on accounting, operating systems, and Visual Basic programming. Visual Basic is more of a challenge than I thought it was going to be, since I never took any programming classes before, but I think I'm going to survive. The operating systems class is an absolute breeze, though. I just do some stuff on the computer with a data disk I was given, and I just give answers based on what it does. The accounting class induces hair-pulling with me, as it is heavy in math (or rather, basically is math), and math and I were never friends. I'm just a shy dork that likes to fool around on computers and wants to get paid to do that.

Well, my attitude about the deal with the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbullshit is that it's, well, crap. If you ask me, Ehud Olmert should have just told the UN to fuck off and told the IDF to go nuts. Actually, he should have also sent some nuclear warheads over to Iran while he was at it. It would have killed tow birds with one stone. But you know what, all the ceasefire is going to do is give the both of them time to reload, and when Hezbollah does something stupid again, it's going to be even worse for them. About the kids held hostage over there, it's safe to say that they're both dead, or that their captors are dead, but more likely it's the former. What they really need is Netanyahu back in power. Maybe he will show the terrorists a thing or two.

Steve Irwin, the goofy Aussie known around the world as the "Crocodile Hunter", died last week while swimming too close to a sting ray and got stung in the heart. He was 44 years old. He is survived by his wife Terri, daughter Bindi Sue, and son Bob.

That's all I ahve to say right now. I promise I will update sooner than I have been.