Friday, February 11, 2005

I'm back for good this time

Well, guess what? I'm back-for good now. I graduated from Advanced Individual Training (AIT) on January 21st and arrived back in Chicago that day. I attended my first drill Feb 05 and 06th at Parkhurst Reserve Center in Darien,Illinois. All we did was give classes and got shown around the place. The most exciting thing that happened to me that weekend was that I fell asleep at the wheel on my way home from drill Saturday night (I'm okay, I swear to God). I start classes on February 14th, and I went back to work at UPS.

Now on to some news. This Ward Churchill guy is starting to piss me off. First he says that the people who died in the WTC, Pentagon,and Shanksville,Pennsylvania are not "innocent" and that we need more 9-11's, then he continually lies about being an Indian (YOU'RE NOT AN INDIAN, GET OVER IT!!!), thenhe says that he wants America off the planet!!!

You know what? THis guy is just asking for me to demonstrate some unarmed combatives on him. Not only for that, but also for desecrating the name of one of the best statesman the world has ever known- the late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.