Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I'm sad and angry

All right, now I'm really depressed. I finished my history final a couple of hours ago. Which means NO MORE FUN ON TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS!!!!! WAAAAAH!!! I really did have fun in that class. Say what you will about my crush from hell, but I really am a history nut.

Also, I had to go to Fort McCoy over the weekend. I shot a lot of rounds, and did what we call WTT (Warrior Task Training). It was mostly just doing stuff like dealing with the media, treating a casualty suffering from shock, and maintaining an M-16. That stuff was easy.

Now on to some news. I am really ticked about the whole bullshit about
  • Newsweek
  • The reason should be sort of obvious. They made up a stupid story about interrogators flushing a copy of the Koran down a toilet in order to break insurgents.

    For one thing, that just ain't possible without having to call the plumber and getting a huge bill, as
  • Frank Salvato
  • learned in an experiment.Secondly, they made it up without knowing who the source was. I was a one-time aspiring journalist, and I think that is the MOS that I'm going to relcass to (I'll get to that in a minute), and once thing I learned from doing reports and all that is that if you don't where you information about something, you don't inlcude it.

    Now on to me reclassifying. That means, in other words, changing your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty- in other words, your job in the Army, in this case). I have to change it because my current one, Administrative Specialist (secretary, in other words) is being phased out, and being changed to a civilian occuapation.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    This is the first I'VE heard about you needing to change your MOS! Start posting more or well-I'll become a Cardinals fan just to spite you. Nyah.