Saturday, December 25, 2004

I"ve Returned (briefly)

Hey, remember me? I'm back, for a while (on leave for Christmas). I arrived in O'Hare International Airport in Chicago on Monday morning. I've just enjoyed the past few days with my family (mom, dad, sister, and the best of all MY GRANDPA!!!!). I am also reveling at home about the re-election of George Walker Bush, the gaining of four more seats in the Senate and four more in the House of Reps, the fact that Tom Daschle is gone (na na na na na, na na na na na, hey hey hey, good-bye), and enjoying the new U2 album (listening to it right now). Anyway, a Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year as well (or Hanukkah, Kwanza, or whatever you all celebrate). I will be back after January 21st, which is when I'm supposed to graduate AIT.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Okay, not quite...

I just found something on Barking Moonbat that John O'Neill, author of the book Unfit for Command, has told John Kerry and his people to put up or shut up.

If you ask me, it's high time that the Bush campaign stands up for these guys. I'm not saying they're doing his "dirty work"; they're not. I'm merely saying that these fine men could be instrumental in getting him elected, as well as the former POWs who are now speaking out against him, as well as the Catholics against Kerry.

Another bit of good news about this is that it is number one on the New York Times best-seller's list (it debuted at number three last week, surrounding Klintoon's book with the help of General Tommy Franks(ret.))

Just a Post Before I Go...

Apologies to Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young for the above title. Anyway, I'm going to be leaving in about an hour for the recruiter's station, from which they will take to a hotel near O'Hare International Airport. I will be reporting to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) very early the next morning, where they will be doing a quick once-over just to make sure I'm still okay, and then I will be off to Fort Jackson, South Carolina, where I will be in Basic Combat Training for the next nine weeks. After graduation (if I make it that far), I will be going through AIT (Advanced Individual Training), after which I will finally be a soldier in the United States Army Reserve.

I am not going to be able to post here for a long while, so until I come back, behave, and, in the words of Gen. Douglas McArthur, "I shall return".

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Time to set the record straight

I got a link from my friend Barb to
  • Sworn Enemy
  • . On there is a link to an aviation web site that sets the record straight about Junior's (Dubya's getting way too redundant for me) time in the Texas and Alabama Air National Guard.

    All I have to say about this is if you think anything other than "he didn't take the easy way oyut after all", then you are a bigger goober (thanks Frank J.) than the Poodle.

    Tuesday, August 10, 2004

    I've been recognized by the Master!!!

    I submitted something to be posted under Our Military on
  • IMAO
  • , and he put it up!!!

    Also, in case you haven't noticed, I've gone from Insignificant Microbe to Crawly Amphibian in the Ecosystem since signing up with Truth Laid Bear!!! I'm moving up in the blogging world!!!

    Another thing I wanted to tell you about is that my friend Barb got me an early birthday present (I'm going to be in BCT over my birthday), and i absolutely love it!!! It's a teddy bear from the Build A Bear Workshop. Her name is Maggie (after former British PM Margaret Thatcher), she has tie-dye fur, wears Army fatigues and Converse sneakers, and holds an American flag. I'll put up a picture of the beautiful Maggie when the film is developed (if it is the case before I leave).

    Sunday, August 01, 2004

    Yippee!!! The original Annoying Twerp Has a Blog!

    My best friend Barb (a.k.a Mako on Protest Warrior, a.k.a Annoying Little Twerp on Barking Moonbat Early Warning System) has a
  • blog
  • of her own now. Go there, and enjoy.

    In other news, I went to my first Cubs game today (I've been to three White Sox games, a Cook County Cheetahs game (indy-league) and a Joliet Jackhammers game), and they WON, 6-3. Greg Maddux was going for his 300th, but he didn't get it :-( But I enjoyed it despite that and the CTA's Orange Line got fucked up (I'll explain later) and we didn't get to the game till the third inning :-*(

    Tuesday, July 27, 2004

    This is Just Insane

    I got the following from the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller, who got it from Swiftboat Veterans for Truth.  Apparently, the people who the Poodle worked with while in the Navy didn't like him all that much, and from what they said, he is unfit to be Commander-in-Chief (tell me something I don't know).

    These quotes below are from men who served with Kerry in Vietnam, and who knew him best. If his own buddies despise him, how can any right-thinking American vote for this man for president?
    Swift Boat Quotes about John Kerry
    "We resent very deeply the false war crimes charges he made coming back from Vietnam in 1971 and repeated in the book "Tour of Duty." We think those cast an aspersion on all those living and dead, from our unit and other units in Vietnam. We think that he knew he was lying when he made the charges, and we think that they're unsupportable. We intend to bring the truth about that to the American people.
    We believe, based on our experience with him, that he is totally unfit to be the Commander-in-Chief."
    -- John O'Neill, spokesman, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth __________________________________________________________
    "I do not believe John Kerry is fit to be Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States. This is not a political issue. It is a matter of his judgment, truthfulness, reliability, loyalty and trust -- all absolute tenets of command. His biography, 'Tour of Duty,' by Douglas Brinkley, is replete with gross exaggerations, distortions of fact, contradictions and slanderous lies. His contempt for the military and authority is evident by even a most casual review of this biography. He arrived in-country with a strong anti-Vietnam War bias and a self-serving determination to build a foundation for his political future. He was aggressive, but vain and prone to impulsive judgment, often with disregard for specific tactical assignments. He was a 'loose cannon.' In an abbreviated tour of four months and 12 days, and with his specious medals secure, Lt.(jg) Kerry bugged out and began his infamous betrayal of all United States forces in the Vietnam War. That included our soldiers, our marines, our sailors, our coast guardsmen, our airmen, and our POWs. His leadership within the so-called Vietnam Veterans Against the War and testimony before Congress in 1971 charging us with unspeakable atrocities remain an undocumented but nevertheless meticulous stain on the men and women who honorably stayed the course. Senator Kerry is not fit for command."
    -- Rear Admiral Roy Hoffman, USN (retired), chairman, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth __________________________________________________________
    "During Lt.(jg) Kerry's tour, he was under my command for two or three specific operations, before his rapid exit. Trust, loyalty and judgment are the key, operative words. His turncoat performance in 1971 in his grubby shirt and his medal-tossing escapade, coupled with his slanderous lines in the recent book portraying us that served, including all POWs and MIAs, as murderous war criminals, I believe, will have a lasting effect on all military veterans and their families.
    Kerry would be described as devious, self-absorbing, manipulative, disdain for authority, disruptive, but the most common phrase that you'd hear is 'requires constant supervision.'"
    -- Captain Charles Plumly, USN (retired) __________________________________________________________
    "Thirty-five years ago, many of us fell silent when we came back to the stain of sewage that Mr. Kerry had thrown on us, and all of our colleagues who served over there. I don't intend to be silent today or ever again. Our young men and women who are serving deserve no less."
    -- Andrew Horne __________________________________________________________

    "In my specific, personal experience in both coastal and river patrols over a 12-month period, I never once saw or heard anything remotely resembling the atrocities described by Senator Kerry. If I had, it would have been my obligation to report them in writing to a higher authority, and I would certainly have done that. If Senator Kerry actually witnessed or participated in these atrocities or, as he described them, 'war crimes,' he was obligated to report them. That he did not until later when it suited his political purposes strikes me as opportunism of the worst kind. That he would malign my service and that of his fellow sailors with no regard for the truth makes him totally unqualified to serve as Commander-in-Chief."
    -- Jeffrey Wainscott __________________________________________________________
    "I signed that letter because I, too felt a deep sense of betrayal that someone who took the same oath of loyalty as I did as an officer in the United States Navy would abandon his group here (points to group photo) to join this group here (points to VVAW protest photo), and come home and attempt to rally the American public against the effort that this group was so valiantly pursuing.
    It is a fact that in the entire Vietnam War we did not lose one major battle. We lost the war at home ... and at home, John Kerry was the Field General."
    -- Robert Elder __________________________________________________________
    "My daughters and my wife have read portions of the book 'Tour of Duty.' They wanted to know if I took part in the atrocities described. I do not believe the things that are described happened.
    Let me give you an example. In Brinkley's book, on pages 170 to 171, about something called the 'Bo De massacre' on November 24th of 1968... In Kerry's description of the engagement, first he claimed there were 17 servicemen that were wounded. Three of us were wounded. I was the first..."
    -- Joseph Ponder __________________________________________________________
    "While in Cam Rahn Bay, he trained on several 24-hour indoctrination missions, and one special skimmer operation with my most senior and trusted Lieutenant. The briefing from some members of that crew the morning after revealed that they had not received any enemy fire, and yet Lt.(jg) Kerry informed me of a wound -- he showed me a scratch on his arm and a piece of shrapnel in his hand that appeared to be from one of our own M-79s. It was later reported to me that Lt.(jg) Kerry had fired an M-79, and it had exploded off the adjacent shoreline. I do not recall being advised of any medical treatment, and probably said something like 'Forget it.' He later received a Purple Heart for that scratch, and I have no information as to how or whom.
    Lt.(jg) Kerry was allowed to return to the good old USA after 4 months and a few days in-country, and then he proceeded to betray his former shipmates, calling them criminals who were committing atrocities. Today we are here to tell you that just the opposite is true. Our rules of engagement were quite strict, and the officers and men of Swift often did not even return fire when they were under fire if there was a possibility that innocent people -- fishermen, in a lot of cases -- might be hurt or injured. The rules and the good intentions of the men increased the possibility that we might take friendly casualties."
    -- Commander Grant Hibbard, USN (retired) __________________________________________________________
    "Lt. Kerry returned home from the war to make some outrageous statements and allegations... of numerous criminal acts in violation of the law of war were cited by Kerry, disparaging those who had fought with honor in that conflict. Had war crimes been committed by US forces in Vietnam? Yes, but such acts were few and far between. Yet Lt. Kerry have numerous speeches and testimony before Congress inappropriately leading his audiences to believe that what was only an anomaly in the conduct of America's fighting men was an epidemic. Furthermore, he suggested that they were being encouraged to violated the law of war by those within the chain of command.
    Very specific orders, on file at the Vietnam archives at Texas Tech University, were issued by my father [Admiral Elmo Zumwalt] and others in his chain of command instructing subordinates to act responsibly in preserving the life and property of Vietnamese civilians."
    -- Lt. Col. James Zumwalt, USMC (retired) __________________________________________________________
    "We look at Vietnam... after all these years it is still languishing in isolated poverty and helplessness and tyranny. This is John Kerry's legacy. I deeply resent John Kerry's using his Swift boat experience, and his betrayal of those who fought there as a stepping-stone to his political ambitions."
    -- Barnard Wolff __________________________________________________________
    "In a whole year that I spent patrolling, I didn't see anything like a war crime, an atrocity, anything like that. Time and again I saw American fighting men put themselves in graver danger trying to avoid... collateral damage.
    When John Kerry returned to the country, he was sworn in front of Congress. And then he told my family -- my parents, my sister, my brother, my neighbors -- he told everyone I knew and everyone I'd ever know that I and my comrades had committed unspeakable atrocities."
    -- David Wallace __________________________________________________________
    "I served with these guys. I went on missions with them, and these men served honorably. Up and down the chain of command there was no acquiescence to atrocities. It was not condoned, it did not happen, and it was not reported to me verbally or in writing by any of these men including Lt.(jg) Kerry.
    In 1971, '72, for almost 18 months, he stood before the television audiences and claimed that the 500,000 men and women in Vietnam, and in combat, were all villains -- there were no heroes. In 2004, one hero from the Vietnam War has appeared, running for President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief. It just galls one to think about it."
    -- Captain George Elliott, USN (retired) __________________________________________________________
    "During the Vietnam War I was Task Force Commander at An Thoi, and my tour of duty was 13 months, from the end of Tet to the beginning of the Vietnamization of the Navy units.
    Now when I went there right after Tet, I was restricted in my movements. I couldn't go much of anyplace because the Vietcong controlled most of the area. When I left, I could go anywhere I wanted, just about. Commerce was booming, the buses were running, trucks were going, the waterways were filled with sampans with goods going to market, but yet in Kerry's biography he says that our operations were a complete failure. He also mentions a formal conference with me, to try to get more air cover and so on. That conference never happened..."
    -- Captain Adrian Lonsdale, USCG (retired) __________________________________________________________
    "I was in An Thoi from June of '68 to June of '69, covering the whole period that John Kerry was there. I operated in every river, in every canal, and every off-shore patrol area in the 4th Corps area, from Cambodia all the way around to the Bo De River. I never saw, even heard of all of these so-called atrocities and things that we were supposed to have done.
    This is not true. We're not standing for it. We want to set the record straight."
    -- William Shumadine __________________________________________________________
    "In 1971, when John Kerry spoke out to America, labeling all Vietnam veterans as thugs and murderers, I was shocked and almost brought to my knees, because even though I had served at the same time and same unit, I had never witnessed or participated in any of the events that the Senator had accused us of. I strongly believe that the statements made by the Senator were not only false and inaccurate, but extremely harmful to the United States' efforts in Southeast Asia and the rest of the world. Tragically, some veterans, scorned by the antiwar movement and their allies, retreated to a life of despair and suicide. Two of my crewmates were among them. For that there is no forgiveness. "
    -- Richard O'Meara __________________________________________________________
    "My name is Steve Gardner. I served in 1966 and 1967 on my first tour of duty in Vietnam on Swift boats, and I did my second tour in '68 and '69, involved with John Kerry in the last 2 1/2 months of my tour. The John Kerry that I know is not the John Kerry that everybody else is portraying. I served alongside him and behind him, five feet away from him in a gun tub, and watched as he made indecisive moves with our boat, put our boats in jeopardy, put our crews in jeopardy... if a man like that can't handle that 6-man crew boat, how can you expect him to be our Commander-in-Chief?"
    -- Steven Gardner __________________________________________________________
    "I served in Vietnam as a boat officer from June of 1968 to July of 1969. My service was three months in Coastal Division 13 out of Cat Lo, and nine months with Coastal Division 11 based in An Thoi. John Kerry was in An Thoi the same time I was. I'm here today to express the anger I have harbored for over 33 years, about being accused with my fellow shipmates of war atrocities.
    All I can say is when I leave here today, I'm going down to the Wall to tell my two crew members it's not true, and that they and the other 49 Swiftees who are on the Wall were then and are still now the best."
    -- Robert Brant __________________________________________________________
    "I never saw, heard of, or participated in any Swift boat crews killing cattle, poisoning crops, or raping and killing civilians as charged by John Kerry, both in his book and in public statements. Since we both operated at the same time, in the same general area, and on the same missions under the same commanders, it is hard to believe his claims of atrocities and poor planning of Sea Lord missions.
    I signed this letter because I feel that he used Swift boat sailors to proclaim his antiwar statements after the war, and now he uses the same Swift boat sailors to support his claims of being a war hero. He cannot have it both ways, and we are here to ask for full disclosure of the proof of his claims
    -- James Steffes

    To read more on this, click
  • here

  • Saturday, July 24, 2004

    Surprise, surprise

    I have wanted to say something about this for a while, but now I'm going to it.

    It looks as though Sandy Berger got caught sticking a few things where they don't belong. The "few things" being classified documents, and "where they don't belong means stuck in his shirt, socks, and worst of all, DOWN HIS PANTS!!!!! ICK!!!!!!

    For this, he got awarded Barking Moonbat of the Week by
  • Vilmar
  • (Allan's gone for now, but don't worry, he'll be back).

    You know, this is exactly the sort of thing I've come to expect from the press. If Condi Rice did something like this, they would be screaming for her head on a platter. However, since this is a Klintoonista (thanks, Misha), you don't hear a damn thing. Anyone? Bueller? I hope they throw his ass into jail. Goddamn.

    Wednesday, July 21, 2004

    What A BITCH!!!!

    ...and I don't use that term lightly, either.
  • Allah
  • tells us of the most selfish person ever, Amy Richards, who had selective infanticide because she didn't want to give up her job, even though her OB/GYN assured her that her pregnancy was low risk.

    It's people like her that makes me grateful for my parents. Heck, my dad had to have an operation just to have me (he was 38 by the time he and my mom got married, and 41 by the time I was born) and my sister.

    I think she and her husband should be sterilised if they are this selfish and have such a low regard for human life. We certainly don't need them procreating if this is the case.

    Monday, July 19, 2004

    That's It!!!

    I knew people like this were retards from the word go that were in cahoots with the Dummycraps, and now all doubt has been removed. I got the scoop from
  • Allan
  • about darlings like these trying to disrupt things in New York this August.

    That's real nice. If you can't win because your guy's the right man for the job, disrupt the other side. How immature is that. I hope every single one of these motherfuckers get arrested for holding up traffic.

    Wednesday, July 14, 2004

    That Does It

    I received word from
  • Emperor Misha
  • that the World Court in the Hack found the wall separating our ally Israel from her enemies "illegal". Theres also a link to E-mail them to tell you exactly what you tink about it.

    To be honest with you, I think they should add to it, like Misha suggested.

    Sunday, July 11, 2004

    For the Love of God...

    Will those two keep their hands to themselves? My God!!!


  • I'm glad our current President and VP aren't like that. FI they were, I would be blowing chunks all over the place all the bloody time.

    Tuesday, July 06, 2004

    For the Birthday Boy..

    I was just reminded by Allan that today is our President's birthday. He's 58 today (how bout that, not much younger than my dad, who'll be 61 this month).

    Happy birthday, Mr. President. Enjoy your day.

    What the Hell?

    I just received word from Emperor Misha that appparently Cpl Hassoun (the Marine that was kidnapped and supposedly "beheaded") is alive and free.

    As glad as I am about this, something doesn't add up. Usually, they do someting like this, mae a demand, we tell them to go fuck themselves, and then they go ahead and behead them. Either they're yanking his family's collective chains (for that, they must be torutred and killed), or they realised what deep shit they were for getting a U.S. MARINE and threatening to kill him, and let him go to save themselves from some angry Marines (no enemy would want to piss off of them) making an example of what happens when you do something like that.

    I'm praying it's the latter.

    Thursday, July 01, 2004


    Three days ago, Iraq became sovreign and not to mention two days early (nice try, terrorists). As our President wrote on the note that Dr. Rice gave him stating what happened, "Let Freedom Reign"! Now, let's just hope that the only regime change that occurs in November is that the current one is lengthened by four years.

    Also, Saddam went to a hearing about his charges (whatever they decide to do with him once he's convicted, he's in deep shit) and put on quite a spectacle. I watched it on Fox News this morning, and I almost died laughing at how delusional the man has to be, to think that he's still in power.

    Monday, June 28, 2004

    This has gone on long enough!!!

    It got the scoop from Misha at Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller that a Marine was taken hostage by the same swine that murdered Kim Sun-Il and Paul Johnson.

    If you aske me, it's high time that we track down these asscholes and give them justice at the barrel of an M-16. Whaddaya say?

    Saturday, June 26, 2004

    As if you don't need another reason not to digest my crap...

    Another Annoying Little Twit is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.



    The only people I would want throwing up would be liberals.

    Not another one!!!

    It looks like Kim Sun Il, the 33-year-old South Korean translator that those fucknozzles (thank you, Misha, for coining that term)took hostage and threatened to kill unless South Korea pulled out, went ahead and murdered him.

    You know what? I hope I get deployed over there. I want to help kill every last one of those donkey fellators (thanks again, Misha) that do these things. I want to do worse to them than they did to Kim.

    The South Korean government has my gratitude that they went ahead with their plans to deploy more soldiers, and Kim's family has my condolences. God bless you guys, and may the Holy Ghost minister to you and send you comfort in this most difficult time.

    Speaking of condolences, does anyone know where I can send them letters/cards of condolence?

    Saturday, June 19, 2004


    All right, I need to tell you all that I have enlisted in the Army Reserve. I went through the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) procedure and was sworn in on June 9, and I am going to shipping out on August 24 for Fort Jackson, South Carolina, to go through Basic Training.

    I am also posting because I am pissed beyond belief that Paul Johnson got murdered by some subhuman pieces of shit that belong to al-Qaeda. I also noticed that one the guys was in a video and he had his face covered. Hey sandnit, if you're so damn proud of what you're doing, then why don't you SHOW YOUR FACE, YOU FUCKING COWARD!!!! Luckily, three of the imbeciles got taken out while trying to dispose of Paul's body. All I have to say about that is that it's a good thing they got to them before I did, because they would have gotten far worse treatment than that.

    Please, if you are the type to do so, pray for his family, and pray that we find the other asshole who did this. Thank you.

    Friday, June 11, 2004

    Delayed Honor

    Jerusalem the golden with milk and honey blest
    Beneath thy contemplation sink heart and soul opprest
    I know not, oh, I know not what joy awaits us there
    What radiancy of glory, what bliss beyond compare

    They stand, the halls of Zion all jubilant with song
    And bright with many an angel and all the martyr song
    The Prince is ever with them; the daylight is serene
    The patures of the blessed are decked with glorious sheen

    There is the throne of David; and there from care released
    The shout of them that triumph, the song of them that feast
    And they who with their Leader have conquered in the fight
    Forever and forever are clad in robes of white

    Oh sweet and blessed country; the home of God's elect
    Oh sweet and blessed country that eager hearts expect
    Jesus, in mercy bring us to that dear land of rest
    Who art, with God the Father and Spirit, ever best

    The Lutheran Hymnal #613

    In Memory of Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911-2004)

    Saturday, May 15, 2004

    Who knows what today is?

    It's Armed Forces Day, so I believe a big "ooh-rah" is in order for our troops overseas. Also, you could send out care packages if you can afford to. Just check out the link above to see what to send, where to send it to, and how to send it. I'm working on one as we speak. My suggestion would be just to send one with hygene items, and enclose a letter to ask a bit about whoever gets it then send a more personalized one later. At least, that's what I plan on doing.

    Wednesday, May 12, 2004

    Hand 'em over, splodeydopes. NOW!!!

    Well, it looks like the Paleswinians are going let our Israeli friends bury their dead IF we let them bury theirs.

    I say it's high time we push those Splodeydopes into the Meditarrean Sea. Who's with me?

    Monday, May 10, 2004

    Well, there goes that movement

    Courtesy of Google News

    U.S. Destroys Headquarters of Rebel Cleric in Baghdad

    Published: May 11, 2004

    BAGHDAD, Iraq, May 10 — The American military said Monday that it had killed as many as 18 supporters of the rebel Shiite Muslim cleric Moktada al-Sadr as it demolished his Baghdad headquarters during a heavy nighttime firefight that echoed around the capital.

    Read:Our boys and girls took down the people shredder of religious nut and did away with a few henchmen in Baghdad.

    In clashes on Sunday, the military said, it killed another 18 of his militiamen, part of a mounting death toll of Mr. Sadr's followers that included some 41 dead in a battle last week in Najaf, south of the capital. The director of a hospital in Sadr City, the poor Shiite neighborhood here where Mr. Sadr's draws most of his support, said it had received nine bodies since Sunday, including that of a woman.

    In southern Iraq on Monday, fires continued to rage after a pipeline bombing on Saturday, which has reportedly slowed the flow of Iraqi oil for export by as much as 25 percent. Attacks on the southern pipeline, which accounts for most of Iraq's oil exports, have been rare.

    An unidentified body appearing to be that of a Westerner was found in Baghdad, an American military official here said. The official said the body was not that of a soldier and was not believed to be one of the three surviving Italian hostages captured last month. A fourth Italian hostage was killed by militants who had demanded that Italy withdraw its troops from Iraq.

    While American troops have battled frequently with Mr. Sadr's supporters since he led an uprising against the occupation last month, clashes are now erupting daily in the southern cities of Najaf, Kufa, Karbala and Basra amid heightened threats to kill and kidnap foreigners in Iraq.

    On Monday a top aide to Mr. Sadr, who has retreated to Najaf, called for an intensified push against the American occupation in Iraq.

    "We have now entered a second phase of resistance, and our patience is over with the occupation forces," said Qais al-Khazali, Mr. Sadr's main lieutenant, according to Reuters. "Our policy now is to extend the state of resistance and to move it to all of Iraq because of the occupiers' military escalation and crossing of all red lines in the holy cities of Karbala and Najaf."


    But as fighting with American troops continued, there were increasing signs of growing impatience with Mr. Sadr among moderate Shiites, as well as the possibility of clashes among Shiites themselves.

    On Monday evening in Najaf, the most sacred city in Shiite Islam, leaflets were distributed with photographs showing corpses and armed men. The leaflet carried this warning: "To al-Sadr followers: If you continue fighting you will be killed in the end. You must be killed. It is your choice."

    On the back it read: "There is a chance for Iraqi people to live in peace. Just put your weapons aside and be happy with what your country has given to you."

    Not as long as we have mental patients like that running around and in society

    The leaflet was not signed, but in the last few weeks a shadowy death squad calling itself the Thulfiqar Army has reportedly killed at least seven of Mr. Sadr's militiamen in Najaf.

    The leaflets were distributed a day after Sadr al-Din al-Kubanchi, a top cleric in the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, a mainstream Islamic political party and a rival to Mr. Sadr's more militant group, called for the people of Najaf to take power back from Mr. Sadr, who has taken over key Shiite shrines there.

    How about that? A sane Shiite cleric. That's a rare occurance.

    With almost daily clashes and some 2,500 American troops in and around Najaf, the city's lucrative business as a destination for Shiite pilgrims has all but dried up.

    Many more moderate Shiite leaders see Mr. Sadr — who appeals largely to the young and the jobless — as a dangerous threat to an orderly political transition. Shiites represent some 60 percent of the country's population and so stand to gain the most power in any future democratic government.

    The Supreme Council is calling for a huge demonstration to demand that Mr. Sadr leave the city. There are fears that the demonstration may lead to violence, and the possibility seemed strong enough that Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the chief military spokesman for the occupation, responded to a question about it on Monday, saying that the "first response" would be to rely on Iraqi Civil Defense Corps.

    Is this thing on?

    Testing, testing one, two, three Bush in '04.

    All right then, welcome to Another Annoying Little Twit, where you're only young once, but can be annoying forever (which I plan to be). Okay then, let's get started here.

    If you wish to leave a comment, be my guest. Just remember one thing; troller's posts will be deleted, and the poster will be shot. Also, if you decide to try to get cute with me and send a virus (I've gotten a few of them lately), you will be reported to TOS, and will be shot as well.

    With that said, I shall make a formal post later on. Enjoy your day, tip your waitresses, and WEAR YOUR SEATBELTS.