Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sounds like Frank

I got his from my grandpa today.
  • There's a parody
  • of the classic "Strangers in the Night" on that web page.

    Personally, I believe the Chairman would feel that way about the terrorists and would try to start something with them. If only he were around today...

    Friday, March 10, 2006

    If This Doesn't Wake People Up...

    I don't know what will.

  • Mona Charen
  • at Townhall hit it right on the head with this column.

    A fellow by the name of Matt Dubay, who is a 25-year-old computer programmer from Saginaw, Michigan, was rently ordered to pay $500 in child support for a duaghter he fatehr with is ex-girlfriend, who claimed that while they were together that she couldn't get pregnant.

    Now, before you say "Pay up, you bum", chew on this; for years, feminists have ranted on and on about "reproductive rights", and that it's their body, etc, whereas men have been told that if you get a girl pregant, you should support the child.

    Personally, I hope that he wins this suit.

    As for myself, Tim knows what the consequences will be. We will get married, he will become a member of the church, and we will raise the baby together, if such a situation arose.