Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Sorry I'm so behind....

Hey, I've been busy for the last month or so. I have school, work, drill (moments of sheer boredom accentuated by more moments of sheer boredom), and other concerns. I have a paper on The Shawnee Prophet to work on for my history class, been suffering from a crush from hell on same professor, and a project for psychology among other things.
On March 19, the Chicago chapter of Protest Warrior will be hitting the streets of Chicago to show moonbats how wrong they are. We will also be welcoming radio talk show host Michael Medved (known to me and the Twerp as simply "The Medved" *bows*). He will be making an appearence at a local college to sign copies of his book , Right Turns, among other things. So yeah, I'm gonna be busy for a while.

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