Saturday, April 05, 2008

"Instant Karma's...

  • ...gonna get you"

  • All right, so it wasn't instant, but went around is coming around still for the inbred evil ones that are the Phelps clan/Westboro "Baptist Church".

    I didn't tell you all this, but these are imbeciles with nothing better to in live than show up and protest at soldier's funerals, saying that they deserved it since this country condones homosexuality. The Patriot Guard, some hog-riding veterans, stood guard at those funerals to ensure that they didn't get too close and start a fight.

    Well, the dad of a Marine that died in Iraq a few months ago had it with them (they showed up at his son's funeral), so he sued them, and won, to the tune of $5 million.

    They tried not to own up to it by filing for bankruptcy, thinking it will all go away.

    As you can see, it won't.

    I just hope that it keeps on coming.

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